The vaccine conundrum

2 min readJun 2, 2021


India’s COVID numbers are on a downward trend, but the threat is far from over. Our best defense against the virus still remains masking, washing our hands as frequently, and maintaining social distance.

The smallest of things, bringing the worst of outcomes for all life-forms

The scientific community, as always, has come to our rescue with what most feel might be the best weapon against this invisible enemy..humanity’s saviour..the silver bullet we’ve all been looking for : vaccination. And yet, most of the questions still remain unanswered, whose answers, unfortunately, lie in a distant future.

Vaccine manufacturers have come out with various figures on the efficacy of their formulations, but with the emergence of various mutations and variations of the virus (each getting deadlier than its predecessor), researchers have gone back to their drawing boards. The rest of the world still asks each other with apprehension :

“Should I be taking the vaccine...will it really protect me in the long-run?”

With vaccination programs in place now for about 6 months, in various parts of the world, the cloud of uncertainty has slowly started to fade. Data supporting the efficacy of these vaccines in the real world has emerged.

Today, people have more confidence in the vaccines than they did 6 months ago. the masses have started to throng these vaccination centers for their jabs.

What must be understood is that the vaccination does not completely eliminate the viral enemy.

Here lies the conundrum.

People start believing that being vaccinated itself will keep them safe and start ignoring the basics of the steps they used to follow pre-vaccination because it was “inconvenient”.

Folks, our best line of defense is to continue following the 3 golden rules mentioned above, along with vaccination.

The coronavirus is not going to vanish anytime soon. The virus is here to stay and it is we, the most advanced of species on Earth, who need to adjust our lives around it.

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Written by NirogGyan

Creating a health-conscious world with patient-friendly medical reports

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