🩸Kidneys: How they work and what happens when they don’t

5 min readMar 7, 2022


As per WebMD, the kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs on either side of your spine, below your ribs and behind your belly. Each kidney is about 4 or 5 inches long, roughly the size of a large fist.

The kidneys’ job is to filter your blood. They remove wastes, control the body’s fluid balance, and keep the right levels of electrolytes. All of the blood in your body passes through them about 40 times a day.

Now, the bad part …

If there is a 15 % drop in your kidney function, it is considered kidney failure.

Signs from the accumulation of waste products and extra water will show in swelling of your limbs.

To restore or replace your failed kidney function, you have one of three treatment choices:

⁍ peritoneal dialysis
⁍ hemodialysis
⁍ kidney transplant

ESRD (End-stage renal disease) is kidney failure treated by a kidney transplant or kidney dialysis.

You should follow your doctors’ recommended advice and consider your preferences and choose a treatment that’s right for you. Right medication and treatment will help you.

You also need to know and consider getting used to the significant shifts that will be happening in your life. Kidney failure will cause changes in your daily activities and may even change your relations with friends and family.

The more information you have about what to anticipate, the better you’ll be able to equip and take care of your treatment.

What are the symptoms & problems associated with kidney failure?

Signs and symptoms don’t show in earlier stages of kidney failures.

Healthy kidneys inhibit the buildup of wastes and excess fluid in the body and balance the salts & minerals — such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium in your bloodstream. The kidneys also produce hormones that help control blood pressure, red blood cell production and keep your bones healthy.

As the kidneys start to function inadequately, other conditions and diseases also develop in your body, and you may experience

⇾ headaches
⇾ have swelling in your feet, legs, or ankles
⇾ itch
⇾ tiredness during the day and have sleep apnea
⇾ weight loss, and unhealthy feeling
⇾ producing little or no urine
⇾ muscle cramps, weakness
⇾ stiffness, pain, or fluid in the joints
⇾ feeling unclear, trouble in focusing, or memory problems

The health problems that may develop as a result are :

High blood pressure: High blood pressure is both a cause and consequence of kidney disease.

High B.P. damages the kidneys, and impaired kidneys (which can’t get rid of excess water) don’t help in controlling your blood pressure.

Heart disease: Diabetes and high BP are two of the same leading causes of kidney and heart diseases.

Anemia: When kidneys are impaired, they don’t make sufficient erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that helps build red blood cells.

RBCs carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. In the condition of anemia, some organs — such as your heart and brain — get less oxygen and may not operate as well as they should.

Mineral and Bone disorder: Kidneys balance the calcium and phosphorus levels in your bloodstream and make hormones that help keep your bones healthy.

A good eating plan, supplements, medicines, and dialysis may help though, and following the right treatment plan can help you avoid or at least manage most of these issues.

Malnutrition: As your kidney disease worsens, you may lose interest in food, and it can be a challenge to keep yourself well fed. You may taste food differently and may not feel hungry.

Infections and other stresses can make it hard for your body to use food applicably. Consulting a good nutritionist might help here.

Feeling itchy: Itching is common and can happen for different reasons. You may feel an itch because of dry skin. Or you could be feeling itchy because you have excess phosphorus in your blood. Less phosphorus intake may help stop the itch.

Your physician may prescribe a medication called a phosphate binder to limit phosphorous from getting into the bloodstream. Sunlight may also help some people find relief.

How to live well with kidney failure?

Living well with kidney failure is a challenge, but you will feel better if you stick to a suitable treatment, and :

⁍ Visit your doctor regularly medicines and take your medicines as prescribed

⁍ Develop an eating plan with a dietitian that includes foods that help your health and you enjoy eating.

⁍ Stay active — take a walk or do some other physical activities to stay fit.

Can I be active with kidney failure?

Yes, physical activity is an essential part of keeping healthy muscles, bones, and heart stronger; it makes blood travel faster through your body, so your body receives more oxygen. It also uplifts your mood and make you feel better. Please discuss with your physician before you start an exercise routine.

Start gradually, with easy activities such as walking at an average pace or even gardening. Work up to more challenging activities such as fast running or light yoga.

Living with chronic conditions is never easy. However, along with the correct knowledge, there are plenty of good organisations and people out there to make your life easier, healthier and happier while you tackle these conditions.

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Written by NirogGyan

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