A Tale of Two Reports

5 min readMay 23, 2020


Let’s imagine the medical tale of two people.

Our lead characters, A and B—who we are going to call Ay and Bee, respectively, for storytelling reasons—are both middle-aged men who are experiencing early signs of type-2 diabetes. Ay or Bee don’t spend any of their time exercising or being active in general. When combined with their questionable 21st-century dietary practices, this has led to their blood sugar spiraling out of control.

As a result, both their pre-meal blood sugar levels have been hovering around 135 ml/dl, dangerously close to being diabetic. Recently, both of them have also been feeling a little lightheaded and tired as well, which has had a bad impact on their productivity at work.

Now, these levels of blood sugar are problematic, but not a cause for too much worry. A good diet, when coupled with some healthy living practices, can easily control one’s type-2 diabetes, considering this type of the disease is not genetic. So once both Ay and Bee come to know that they need to lower their blood sugar levels, they’re set.

The problem here is that it’s often difficult to understand this based only on your reports. Because when Ay and Bee go get their blood sugar levels checked, their report and doctor consultation are going to be huge factors in whether they get a clear picture of their issue or not. So before we go back to Ay and Bee’s story, let’s take a look at the reports themselves.

Fantastic Reports and Where to Find Them

Let us begin with the average medical report. Here’s a stock image of what that looks like -

The issue with this mass of texts, numbers, and blocks is that it is pretty much impossible for anyone without a medical degree to read it without breaking things in frustration at least once.

The information is poorly organised, there is only a government-mandated tiny paragraph about the risk, and there is no clarity in the presentation style. Worst of all, there is zero add-on information about how severe the issue is (and if it warrants a visit to the doctor) and what one can do to improve their situation. This knowledge is akin to gold for any individual who is seeking answers, and yet it’s nowhere to be found.

The purpose of a report is not to simply take data and throw it onto a piece of paper. The purpose of a report is to give the customer as much clarity as possible regarding their issue, all while making sure they get the right medical facts. If the report does not do this job, it’s expecting a doctor-less customer to do it for themselves, which is just not something that the ideal version of a good product should do.

Which is where smart reports come in.

At Niroggyan, we create customised smart reports that present to you all aspects concerning your potential issues. These smart reports are top of the line, visualised, with explanations for all aspects of your body’s well-being; as a health-tech startup, our expertise allows us to expertly craft health reports to best suit the customer’s needs.

We have been users of lab reports before. We know the feeling of getting the reports and still having to navigate through different websites to find proper explanations.

For instance, check out the following page from one of our reports:

In this report, one can find detailed analysis for each of the following pieces of data:

a) What exactly is HbA1c?

b) How common is the issue?

c) What could have caused your problem in the first place?

d) What should you do to fix the issue?

e) What is the role of blood sugar and insulin in the body, and is it related to the problems you’re having?

This is essential. Because now, once you have the report, you don’t need to rely on extraneous sources to understand the nature of your deficiencies and the problems that come with it. You don’t need to rely on that one relative with suspiciously high amounts of medical knowledge to tell you why your blood sugar could be the cause of your fatigue. Once you have the report, you have all the power to start fixing up your lifestyle immediately.

Alright, it’s time now for us to move back to Ay and Bee.

When we were last talking about Ay and Bee, both of them had slightly low—but by no means dangerous—levels of blood sugar. They were both people who had bad lifestyles and were feeling the brunt of their symptoms while at work. Thus far, their lives have been very similar.

This is where their paths diverge: when Ay and Bee go to get themselves and themselves checked, Ay goes to a lab that uses smart reports, while Bee goes to your average check-up center to get his sugar profile. The reports, eventually, reach their hands — a smart report for Ay, a normal report for Bee.

When Ay reads his report, he is immediately made aware of his issue, and knows what he must do to fix it. He understands that he is pre-diabetic, consults an expert, and then starts adjusting his lifestyle accordingly to improve its levels. He is healthy with a good, improved lifestyle in three months’ time.

Bee, on the other hand, doesn’t have the technical knowhow of understanding what these numbers on his sheet mean. Therefore, Bee has no option but to figure all of this out for himself. As a result, Bee mistakes his borderline problematic sugar levels as being acceptable for someone his age. He ignores the problem because no one specifically told him about it (which, in Ay’s case, the report did).

Bee continues his unhealthy lifestyle, and soon, his problem worsens. His bones become weak, he is constantly fatigued. He gets a doctor’s visit, where he is diagnosed with an advanced state of diabetes. Not only does he now have large expenses on his medical bill, he now has had to deal with going through a serious disease. And if Bee is particularly unlucky, he now has severe heart disease, nerve damage, and potential blindness.

All of which could have been prevented by a simple change in the kind of report he went for. It is absolutely vital for your reports to have the right kind of information, so you can have the right fact pre-emptively to keep your medical situation in check.

Lab test reports are essential. We are sure you knew that before, and if not, COVID-19 must have done that by now.

At NIROGGYAN, we know how important your health is. Our products in the form of user-friendly lab test reports are meant to improve health awareness & better living. All so you can live a better life.

Visit us at niroggyan.com to know more.




Written by NirogGyan

Creating a health-conscious world with patient-friendly medical reports

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